Seeing Your Success

Courtesy of P

If you can’t see it, you can’t have it. That’s the rule!

As a Spiritual Warrior, I’ve struggled and stumbled and I’ve been from challenge to triumph and back again. When I look back on the journey, I can NOW SEE the steps I took to get here. To this moment. And to stand in my most authentic self ever.

To RISE & SHINE in your MOST AUTHENTIC SELF each day, you must accept the challenge of a personal journey that leads towards abundance. CAN YOU SEE that possibility for yourself? What does that VISION look like and what are the steps, challenges and triumphs YOU MUST GO through to get there? If you are truly going to walk the path to your most authentic and abundant self, you must be WILLING and WANTING to do your work. YOU MUST BE A HAND IN YOUR OWN RESCUE!!

Do you know the Crab Bucket theory? Crab mentality says “if I can’t have it, neither can you” and leads us into a pattern of behavior where we pull, trap and hold each other down.

Unlike crabs, I believe that WE CAN EACH BE A HAND IN RESCUING HUMANITY!! If we can only (1) SEE OUR SUCCESS, (2) REACH for that goal, and (3) LIFT each other up. Instead of pulling one another down into the crab-bucket, let’s learn to climb the ladder of consciousness and get out of this mess – TOGETHER.

The time for TRANSFORMATION is NOW and it turns out… its an INSIDE JOB. That’s why I’m offering my 12 STEPS FOR RECOVERING (YOU) IN 2021. For the sake of humanity AND ourselves… ‘CAUSE IT’S ON (like Donkey Kong)!!

  1. Inner work — remember that you are walking an inner path of self-discovery that benefits others as you grow & glow. Honor that outside change comes from within.
  2. Self-awareness — recognize that you can change the outcomes of experiences by allowing your intuition and inner light to guide you.
  3. Releasing stories — identify & eliminate self-sabotaging or demoting beliefs/behaviors. Re-frame your story as an advocate for your soul and create an image of abundance for yourself.
  4. Staying in the moment — don’t let yourself be haunted by the past or blindly race towards the future. Be present in the moment and deal with what is presented to you.
  5. Learning the lesson — look for the lesson. Whether it’s humility, courage, faith or fearlessness – every experience builds on our knowledge and rewards us with wisdom.
  6. Speaking truth to power — let go of narrowing the narrative and instead practice consistently claiming your most authentic self when sharing your souls truth.
  7. Open to abundance — stop withdrawing or protecting yourself from life. Invite new opportunities to heal, move forward and make shifts happen for yourself and others.
  8. Be an advocate — you are not a quiet bystander; you are not neutral. If you see something – say something. Stand for justice no matter who’s receiving it.
  9. Faith over fear — root yourself in faith, not in fear. Fear, in all its forms, is part of a larger spectrum of emotional wisdom. Stand in authenticity and choose to embrace the unknown.
  10. Walk your walk — align your thoughts, words, and actions so as not to be misaligned. Honor that the souls intention is to project a path of success.
  11. Pair your polarities — understand that reality IS duality, and that meditation IS navigation. Know that your wholeness is an experience of contentment in the heart and be willing to do the work to get there.
  12. Reach for your vision — to get there you’ve gotta reach for the goal. Know that when you reach, it’s with the heart. And in life, you never know how many hearts you’ll touch out there. Maybe even you’re own.

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